Since my now long past redang trip i haven't blogged. Is it out of choice? out of compulsion perhaps? or maybe, just maybe i just was too distracted. Of course the terrible internet in college did not help but still, that's just an excuse. I'm sorry to all the avid readers of my blog (yes the both of you!) lol. I have been doing a lot of things. I have decided to forget about blogging about my trips to redang and singapore. This is not a bloody travelogue. Things have been going on in college.
I'm in Diamond house, one of four "houses" in my college, the others being Sapphire, Garnet and Topaz. Every year each house has to have a sort of carnival and it's called Evening with X. Evening with Diamond was a couple of days back. It was quite fun and i was thoroughly involved in it. The theme was fantasy night and everyone was supposed to dress up in character. I was a serial killer. With my white sweater and hood pulled up, I also had a scissors, I did look the part as well. Anyway it was a relative success. Few days ago Evening with Garnet also took place, however i didn't attend as i was out of college on the day. I was there for a few minutes but nothing more. It looked pretty good. Anyway congratulations to all Diamonders and Garnetors who worked very hard on this as a showpiece event and made life in KYUEM a little less monotonous.
Now for the umm, highlight? of this post. Remember some time ago i may have mentioned i was applying for a few scholarships, well i wasn't putting too much in store for it (my lack of bumiputera status is an excellent reason) until one fine day i received an sms from Petronas asking me to check their website to see if I had been called for the interview. Lo and behold, i was called and it was shocking. However i had to miss 3 days of classes to attend it but i think it was worth it. The interview process itself was pretty good. I had a psychoanalysis test, an english proficiency test, an IQ test and a Case-Study based interview. I think i performed pretty well in all the test but the highlight was the personal interview with two senior Petronas people. I think i performed exceptionally well there. I gave what some might construe as a stirring speech about my case-study (which was about GM food). Blew the socks off the Petronas people i think.
Also i met a few people... i think that's material for another post. For now thats all
Bagan should lead the global way
2 weeks ago